My entry into the 2023 Contra Costa County Science Fair and the 2023 California State Science Fair.

Nile Red stained honey showing presence of microplastics


From the day it was invented, plastic has grown more popular as a packaging, prototyping, and production material in every industry. As this plastic degrades into small particles (microplastics), it may pose health risks for organisms who come into contact with it. As the ubiquity of plastics–and as a result, microplastics–increases, identifying microplastics and their sources becomes more and more important. Bees are one of the most important pollinators, and can often travel multiple miles to collect nectar and pollen. Due to the large distances that they travel–far enough to reach polluted areas–along with the presence of plastic equipment inside a beehive, honey and other bee products are at risk for contamination with microplastics. Additionally, honey is often stored inside plastic containers which can degrade and release plastic into the honey. Currently, the most popular method for microplastic detection is Nile Red staining. I identified three main sources of microplastics in honey: bees collecting plastic while foraging, the degradation of plastic inside the hive, and contamination from plastic containers. I took samples of honey from three hives, one without internal plastics, and tested them for microplastics using Nile Red staining. I found that hives with internal plastics had 84% more plastic in their honey samples. Although I did not take enough samples for a definitive result, my preliminary data indicates that the majority of microplastics in honey comes from inside the hive.

Full document


My project won first place in the biology category, advancing me to the state competition. It also earned the Dr. David Padgett Award for Sustainability.

County news article

Official Results (see page 3)

The poster + me